Travis Corby Obtains $10.4 Million Binding Arbitration Award Against Sovereign Health of California
SBE’s Travis Corby obtained an $10.4 million binding arbitration award in a case against Sovereign Health of California after a man suffered a significant brain injury due to their negligence. Zachary Peterson checked into the Sovereign Health rehabilitation center in 2014 after battling a drug addiction for many years. He suffered a foot injury while at the center and was prescribed Tramadol, which he was allowed to pick up on his own due to the negligence of the staff. Zachary took 60 pills between the night of November 9th and the morning of November 10th, causing him to have a seizure and fall to the ground, where he suffered a brain injury and a skull fracture that left him with injuries that he will have to live with for the rest of his life. The rehabilitation center was found to be negligent for allowing a patient to have access to medications and failing to advise the physicians of the situation.