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Danica Crittenden Accepts Rising Star Award at CAALA Gala

Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA) honored Danica Critteden with the 2016 Rising Star award. Below is a video of Danica Crittenden speaking at the CAALA Gala and accepting...

SBE Attorneys Speak at Shernoff Rutter Group Seminar

Below are some clips of the firms’ partners speaking at the 2014 Shernoff Insurance Bad Faith Rutter Group Seminar. To learn more and to purchase the full version of every...

Patsy Bates, Client of William Shernoff

One of William M. Shernoff’s previous clients is Ms. Patsy Bates. She was interviewed by a few TV news programs when she was in the midst of a serious battle...

Media Coverage of Goodrich v Aetna

In 1999, a court handed down the largest verdict against an HMO in Goodrich v Aetna. Michael J. Bidart represented the plaintiffs and after the verdict was subsequently interviewed by...